About ExitStack

ExitStack is an online platform featuring stories, deal news, and analysis about Bangladeshi and diaspora startups.  It aims to share insights on companies and founders to everyone, including potential investors and partners, around the world.

Key Moments

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Condimentum praesent volutpat pellentesque dignissim  ut at.
Diam velit, velit dui amet, porttitor. Sagittis nulla velit.


Unique Startups Funded


Total Funding


Global Investment

The Bangladesh Story

Bangladesh has poised itself as one of the fastest-growing countries in the world, with a total GDP of US$ 460Bn, the second-highest in South Asia, with GDP per capita of US$ 2,688 exceeding the region’s average.

The Bangladesh  startup ecosystem hosts more than 2,500 active startups, inclusive of startups in ideation and implementation phases and contributes 1.5Mn people to local employment. Some notable drivers boosting the local startup landscape include: the growing Middle and Affluent Class (MAC) population- projected to reach 34 Mn by 2025 (larger than the current population of Malaysia); the median age of 28 years- building a generation of tech-savvy and problem solving individuals; increased collaborative efforts between public and private sector players, namely government backed venture capital fund, Startup Bangladesh Limited (SBL).

Despite recent advancements, access to reliable and credible information remains a key barrier in the ecosystem. With 94% of total investments being funnelled from global investors, there is a need for a holistic  local platform that highlights potential investment opportunities and spotlights the Bangladesh story to an international audience. Exitstack’s thesis as a knowledge sharing platform is rooted on the ambition to broadcast Bangladesh’s narrative and minimize the information asymmetries prevailing in the ecosystem. Exitstack strives to become the country’s go-to media platform, providing a trusted portal verified by key ecosystem players.

The Team